a unique experiences | un’esperienze unica

A retreat is an immersive experience where you take a break from the world to reconnect with yourself during a week or a long weekend. I like to choose a theme to develop through the daily yoga practices, as if it were a narrative journey explored with the body, mind, and soul. Being in places I call “highly spiritual,” focusing on your inner world, sharing part of your life with others who often become mirrors of yourself (and many times friends), spending a lot of time in nature, often by the sea, makes each retreat a nourishing and regenerating experience.

Un retreat è un’esperienza immersiva in cui si prende una pausa dal mondo per riconnettersi con se stessi per una settimana o un weekend lungo. Mi piace scegliere un tema da sviluppare nelle pratiche giornaliere, come se fosse un percorso narrativo attraversato con il corpo, la mente e l’anima. Essere in luoghi che io chiamo ad “alta spiritualità”, concentrarsi sul proprio mondo interiore, condividere un pezzo di vita con altre persone che diventano specchio di noi (e, tante volte, amici), passare molto tempo in natura, spesso vicino al mare, rendono ogni retreat un’esperienza nutriente e rigenerante.  

unique hatha yoga retreat

something just for you

What kind of yoga do I teach?

For thirteen years, I have been teaching Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Yoga. My style is a fusion of the two, with a strong focus on the psychological and emotional aspects of yoga and recent discoveries in neuroscience. The physical practice of asana is fundamental as a tool to cultivate the awareness and presence that we often lack in daily life and that can give us a completely different vision and perception of ourselves and the world.

Why do a retreat with me?

Because I work with groups of no more than 10 people, the atmosphere is caring and intimate. These retreats enable you to breathe, in every sense, and to celebrate life. Together, we can shed the masks we wear every day, allow ourselves to be vulnerable, step out of our beloved comfort zone, inhabit the body with more love, and feel safe within ourselves. 

Who is welcome?

I work with those who want to deepen their knowledge of the yogic tradition, not only through asanas, pranayama techniques, and meditation but especially through the effects these practices have on our mental and energetic states.

In my retreats, any kind of practitioner is welcome. In the lessons, I always offer different options to meet everyone’s needs.

What you take home

What a retreat leaves us with depends on the openness with which we approach it. One of my first yoga teachers once said that in life, we can choose one of two paths: to stay open, or to close ourselves. At the time, this seemed overly simplistic, but over time I have seen and experienced how profoundly true it is. It applies to our practice on the mat, to our relationships, and to every moment of our lives.

Che tipo di yoga insegno

Da tredici anni, insegno Hatha Yoga e Vinyasa Yoga. Il mio stile è una fusione di entrambi, insieme a una grande attenzione per gli aspetti psicologici ed emotivi dello yoga e le recenti scoperte delle neuroscienze. La pratica fisica di asana è fondamentale come strumento per coltivare la consapevolezza e la presenza che ci mancano nella vita quotidiana e che ci possono regalare una visione e una percezione di noi stessi e del mondo completamente diversa. 

Perché fare un retreat con me

Per togliersi le maschere che indossiamo ogni giorno. Per concederci di essere vulnerabili. Per uscire dalla nostra, cara “comfort zone”. Per abitare il corpo con più amore. Per sentirsi al sicuro in se stessi. Perché lavoro con gruppi di massimo 10 persone, quindi l’atmosfera è molto intima. Per respirare, in tutti i sensi. Per celebrare la vita.

A chi mi rivolgo

Mi rivolgo a chi vuole approfondire la conoscenza della tradizione yogica, non solo attraverso gli asana, le tecniche di pranayama, la meditazione, ma soprattutto attraverso gli effetti che queste pratiche portano sui nostri stati mentali ed energetici. 

Nei miei retreat qualsiasi tipo di praticante è benvenuto. Nelle lezioni offro sempre diverse opzioni per andare incontro alle esigenze di tutti.

Cosa porti con te

Ciò che un retreat ci lascia addosso dipende dall’atteggiamento con cui lo affrontiamo. Una delle mie prime insegnanti di yoga, aveva detto un giorno che nella vita possiamo scegliere due strade: rimanere aperti oppure chiuderci. Al momento mi era sembrata un’affermazione troppo semplice, ma nel tempo ho visto e sperimentato quanto fosse profondamente vera. Vale nella nostra pratica sul tappetino, nelle nostre relazioni, in ogni istante. 

qualcosa per te

past retreats | retreat passati

See some of my past retreats. In each of them, the yoga practice blends with the beauty of the places I have chosen. This creates feelings and emotions you will always remember.

Guarda alcuni dei miei retreat passati, dove la pratica yoga si unisce alla bellezza dei luoghi che ho scelto.


Last June I joined this amazing yoga retreat of Laura on Sicily.

She is a very professional teacher and I learned so much. She also keeps an eye on you when you are in a pose and tells you very well how to correct yourself. The place where we stayed was wonderful and they served delicious food! There was also time to explore the island. I can highly recommend a retreat with Laura.

mieke morellisse (netherlands)

I would love you to share a review for the Yoga Retreat with Laura Stefani in June from 12-17th 2023 on Sicily in Fiumefreddo. I had the best time with Laura and the group. We had a very familiar atmosphere… Emotions coming up while doing yoga were shared in a private space. We made handstands and I improved my yoga skills within this week to a next level. The location with the vulcano etna in the back and the mediterranean sea in the front was magic. The homemade food was delicious and the trip to the Etna fantastic. My room and the house were very clean. All in all it was for me a transformative trip! Highly recommend!

Thanks for everything to Laura und Guendalina!

christin shonau (germany)

I had the privilege to join Laura Retreat in Sicily, in June 2023. It was amazing, wonderful and unforgettable time.

Her classes are different every day, this is what I liked so much. Her tremendous passion for yoga, her own sweetness and her personality will encourage you to be real in your yoga path. Do not miss the opportunity to join one of her retreats

The place is spectacular with organic and delicious fresh homemade food and a wide view to the Etna.

lorymay sanchez (venezuela)